Lumito – winner in the poster competition and awarded with a presentation at the Digital Pathology & AI Congress in London

Lumito has been selected by the conference committee as the winner of the poster competition and has been awarded a 15 min presentation at the Digital Pathology & AI Congress in London on 5-6 December. Lumito will be presented to over 420 attendees and 35 exhibitors at the sold out meeting. Krzysztof Krawczyk, R&D Manager at Lumito, will hold the presentation “Up-Converting NanoParticles as a powerful tool for tissue evaluation” at 5.25-5.40 p m, Dec 5th.

"For decades hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) together with DAB chromogenic stain has been a standard way to visualize morphology of the cells and markers of interest. Staining kit and a novel device developed by Lumito give hope for more accurate diagnosis by keeping the advantage of H&E staining and combining it, in one image, with luminescent data, ideal for generating ground truth for machine learning algorithms", says Krzysztof Krawczyk.