Lumito signs cooperation agreement with Optronic for 0-series production of the company’s scanner
Lumito AB and Optronic Partner pr AB have signed a cooperation agreement for the final design, industrialization and 0-series production of Lumito's first Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) scanners. The scope of the agreement is based on the delivery of 0-series production prior to Lumito's planned launch for research laboratories at the end of 2022. The […]
The scientific article “Bioconjugation of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection and imaging” is now published in the scientific journal Nature Protocols
The scientific article entitled "Bioconjugation of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection and imaging" is now published in the scientific journal Nature Protocols. Read the article here. Dr. Matthias Mickert, Senior Chemical Engineer at Lumito, was part of the Gorris group at the University of Regensburg, which recently moved to Masaryk University in Brno. The […]
Year-end report 2021, Lumito AB (publ)
Financial overview 1 October – 31 December 2021 Net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (0) Result after taxes amounted to KSEK -6 855 (-5 199). Basic and diluted earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.08 (-0.06). Cash flow from operating activities after change in working capital amounted to KSEK -2 270 (-5 032). Twelve months, 1 January – 31 […]
Scientific article will be published in Nature Protocols
Ph.D. Matthias Mickert, Senior Chemical Engineer at Lumito, was part of the Gorris group at Regensburg University that recently moved to Masaryk University in Brno. The group was recently notified that their scientific paper entitled "Bioconjugation of photon-upconversion nanoparticles for cancer biomarker detection and imaging" has now been accepted in the scientific journal Nature […]
Lumito’s development team at TTP plc
Part of Lumito's development team visited the development partner TTP's (The Technology Partnership) research and development campus, outside Cambridge in the UK, this week to discuss and plan the completion of Lumito's scanner, aimed for research laboratories, which will be launched during the later part of next year. "We appreciate the opportunity to visit the […]
Images of high and stable quality offer excellent assessment possibilities
Lumito’s objective is to create high-quality stainings of tissue sections and corresponding imaging. A key effort has been to achieve a repeatable and robust staining methodology that can generate imaging that is optimal for a digital, visual evaluation. These objectives have now been achieved, according to Dr. Bo Holmqvist. Bo Holmqvist (CSO, Imagene-iT AB) has […]
Strategy update. Product launch in research laboratories planned for the end of 2022
By launching a product for research laboratories, Lumito enables market access by late 2022. The Company considers that there is business potential in research laboratories, which may generate sales as of 2022. In addition, it may draw media attention to the Company's technology and deepen understanding of the opportunities offered by the technology, moving forward. […]
Editorial ad in The Pathologist
An editorial advertisement about Lumito has been published in The Pathologist magazine. The aim is to increase awareness and interest in Lumito's product among pathologists internationally. The article appears in the October issue of both the print and digital editions. Here is a short abstract of the editorial advertisement, which is also attached. "Early and […]
Lumito AB publishes Quarterly Report 3, 2021
Financial overview Third quarter, January–September 2021 Net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (0). Result after taxes amounted to KSEK -19,517 (-10,848). Basic and diluted earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.22 (-0.15). Cash flow from operating activities after change in working capital amounted to KSEK -19,927 (-12,239). Cash and cash equivalents amounted to KSEK […]
Correction of previously published press release concerning the early publication of the quarterly report
The press release published on 18 October at 13.00 contains incorrect information, as the Quarterly Report 3 2021 has not been audited. For further information, please contact: Lumito's CEO, Mattias Lundin e-mail: phone: 076-868 45 09 Lumito specializes in medical technology for digital pathology. Through its proprietary and patented technology, Lumito aims to provide […]